Sunday, February 19, 2012

IPL 4 Qualifiers: Ongoing Coverage

Today the closing matches will be played to determine who will go on to play the winner of IPL 3.

Click here to see the bracket as it updates.

Click here to watch the stream. Matches begin at 12 pm EST and will be best of 3.

We will be updating this page with live coverage when the matches begin. Click "read more" for updates!

Match 1: SK vs EZ

UPDATE: Just heard some big news on the stream. SK has been penalized a full game for showing up to the match late. That means EZ will now be up 1-0 in the best of three, needing just one more map to advance and knock out SK.

UPDATE: EZ just took their second dragon followed up by a thorough 3-kills-to-1 teamfight win. EZ has a clear advantage in this game so far, but SK is clearly building for late game with their Galio/Kog'Maw/Nunu comp. The kill count is 9-4 in favor of EZ right now but Kog'Maw will be hard to stop if this game goes late.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, cool stuff here. Thanks for the follow on Twitter, I have followed yours and this page back.
