Sunday, February 26, 2012

Latest PBE Patch Notes Available

RiotLykaeus recently graced us with the most recent patch notes on the beta forums. Without further ado:

Triumphant Roar mana cost increased to 28/41/54/67/80 from 20/35/50/65/80
Unbreakable Will mana cost reduced to 100 from 150
Trample damage increased to 10-27 per second from 10-23

Base damage increased to 56 from 54
Armor per level increased to 3.4 from 3.1
Churn the Waters mana cost reduced to 100 from 150

Idol of Durand damage range increased to 600 from 575

Fixed a bug where Grandmaster's Might passive attack canceled if the buff ran out during the attack animation

Lucent Singularity
Now additionally grants vision while in flight to its destination
Now starts its cooldown when cast rather than when detonated
Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 9
Now displays a buff showing how long Lucent Singularity will last until it automatically detonates
Finales Funkeln
Now grants vision of the affected area during the spell and vision of enemy champions hit for a short duration afterwards
Lux can no longer use Flash while casting Finales Funkeln

Granite Shield now shows a cooldown timer
Unstoppable Force
Area of effect radius on impact increased to 325 from 300
Malphite can no longer flash while using Unstoppable Force
Fixed a bug where Malphite would seem to hit the target but would not cause the effect

Miss Fortune
Strut now shows a cooldown timer

Umbra Blades now has a passive cooldown timer like Ziggs and Shen

Axe Throw
Damage increased to 80-260 from 50-210
Scaling changed to +1.0 bonus AD from +0.5 total AD
Base cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10
Cooldown reduction for picking up the axe reduced to 4.5 seconds from 6
Ragnarok now provides 30/45/60 Armor and Magic Resist instead of 20/30/40 flat damage reduction
Movement Speed increased to 325 from 320

Paragon of Demacia now shows you over its icon how many stacks you have

Fixed a few bugs with ability sounds

Health per level increased to 82 from 77
Move Quick's passive component now shows a cooldown timer
Noxious Trap arm time reduced to 1 seconds from 2

Explosive Shot cast range increased to 625 from 600

Hexplosive Mines
Mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120
Slow duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
Damage from 2nd and subsequent mines reduced to 40% from 50%

Madred's Bloodrazor attack damage increased to 40 from 30

Improved minimap visibility of turrets in Colorblind Mode
Colorblind announcement colors now reference blue (friendly) and purple (enemy) teams
Item call-outs for game changing items
Champion Kill messages are now more specific
You can now activate a timestamp for game chat in the options menu
When colorblind mode is activated, movement cursor is included with new color scheme (was not before)
Announcer callouts no longer reference blue team/purple team, and instead should reference friendly/enemy team (ie. A friendly inhibitor is respawning soon/the enemy inhibitor has respawned)
Champions will now attempt to run home immediately when disconnecting, rather than attempting to Recall
Small monster camp sigils now restore up to 30 Mana in addition to Health
Small golem camp
Movement Speed increased to 300 from 180
Medium Golem base damage increased to 59 from 54

Co-Op Versus AI
Added Blitzcrank bot to the roster of bots in Co-Op versus AI.
Improved bots' ability to last hit and reduced how much they push their lanes.
Reduced the amount of gold given to bots on Summoner's Rift Intermediate.
Added the ability for bots to call for help from nearby bots.
Improved the precision of skill shots and ground targeted AoE abilities.
Minor bug fixes with Leona, Lux, and Shyvana bots.

My Initial Thoughts:

  1. No Shen nerfs. There's been a lot of speculation over the last two weeks as to whether Shen was overbuffed in the last patch, and at least so far it seems Riot doesn't think so.
  2. Teemo Buffs. I'm not sure he needed them in the first place, but the change on noxius traps seems like it could be pretty big in dueling situations.
  3. Madred's Bloodrazor is good again. I can see this item used in a lot more builds now, especially on bruisers that need both AD and AS, like WW.
  4. Olaf received significant buffs. Will be interesting to see if he is used more now after the patch. The movement speed buffs coupled with buffs to most of his abilities make me think he will be much more viable now.

Source: League of Legends


  1. Nice nice, but, where is leblanc nerfff,damnit, she's too op man too op, and shen, pfff, he's been banned constantly in solo que, and for a good reason tho ;d

  2. soraka needs some nerfs shes too buff

  3. Shen got hotfixed, they'll robably nerf a bit more later

  4. Actually, MBR's 10 damage buff won't grant this item to be much more useful than it used to be, in my opinion.

  5. "Movement Speed increased to 300 from 180
    Medium Golem base damage increased to 59 from 54"

    Doing golems on blue botlane just got so very much harder...

  6. Teemo got buffed, about time too.
    The main buff to Teemo isn't the slight changes made directly to him, the main buff for Teemo is the 10 attack damage increase on Madreds.
